All the latest news from Grasshopper Environmental
Stay up-to-date with all the latest news from Grasshopper Environmental – waste management leaders in Sydney!

18 August 2022 Following a rigorous auditing process, Grasshopper Environmental has successfully recertified for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. This provides stakeholders with the on-going assurity of Grasshopper’s compliance and commitment to best practice in the delivery of its sustainable and ethical waste management, resource recovery and recycling services.

16 August 2022 Grasshopper Environmental was delighted to accept the Lendlease Australian Supplier Innovation Award 2022 at an event held earlier this month. This Award recognises Grasshopper’s commitment to delivering genuine and tangible outcomes for the local Aboriginal communities and the environment, through its joint venture partnership with Bungarribee Connection.

1 December 2021 The Gift from the Heart appeal is a joint initiative by Grasshopper Environmental and Bungarribee Connection that aims to bring joy to local Aboriginal Children who may otherwise miss out on opening a gift this Christmas, simply because their families are not able to afford it. Will you give the gift of […]

8 November 2021 This National Recycling Week, 8th to 14th November 2021 Grasshopper Environmental is encouraging key industries associated with the largest production of waste to take the time to assess current waste habits and to implement strategies to recycle right.