National Safe Work Month 2021
1 October 2021
National Safe Work Month in October is an important event each year for Grasshopper Environmental. It is a great mechanism for raising awareness about important work health and safety issues and helps us highlight, understand and investigate potential WHS issues in our own workplace.
think safe. work safe. be safe
National Safe Work Month in October is a time to commit to a safe and healthy workplace.
Jeff Hui, Safety, Sustainability & Governance Manager at Grasshopper Environmental supports Safe Work Australia’s think safe. work safe. be safe. campaign.
“At Grasshopper Environmental, we believe that our people are our most valued asset. Their health and safety is our top priority,” Jeff Hui, Safety, Sustainability & Governance Manager at Grasshopper Environmental said.
“National Safe Work Month in October is an important event each year for Grasshopper Environmental. It is a great mechanism for raising awareness about important work health and safety issues and helps us highlight, understand and investigate potential WHS issues in our own workplace.”
During the last couple of years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, workplaces have been presented with complex and dynamic challenges and have had to change the way they conduct their business and, in turn, manage work health and safety.
This year’s National Safe Work Month campaign highlights a range of work health and safety topics, including COVID-19, occupational lung disease, sexual harassment, mental health, and working in extreme weather.
National Safe Work Month also serves as a reminder for workplaces to review their work health and safety policies and processes.
The think safe. work safe. be safe. campaign is led by Safe Work Australia and is supported by Safe Work Australia Members and other stakeholders, including Grasshopper Environmental.
For Grasshopper Environmental, think safe. work safe. be safe. Refers to the three lines of defence to prevent WHS issues in the workplace.
Think Safe – Our Strategy
Our strategy at Grasshopper Environmental is to build a workplace culture that eliminates unsafe thinking and views safety above all other things. Our strategy involved safety leadership across all levels and team, a commitment to safety guided by company principles and instilling a low-risk perception mindset that cultivates a workforce that is proactive rather than reactive in safety matters.
Work Safe – Our Operations
Our operations refer to our actual employees and what they do. In order to work safe, we instil the importance of safety awareness amongst employees and a low-risk perception mindset. In the practical sense this can mean identifying risk before undertaking a task, speaking to customers, and conducting risk assessments of construction worksites and commercial spaces, assessing the waste types to be collected and planning the safe removal, transportation and processing of waste. From the very beginning of an employee’s appointment at Grasshopper Environmental, inductions are carried out and training is provided and is kept at the very forefront in the way we operate each and every day.
Be Safe – Our Tactics
To Be Safe is the tactical aspect of safety and is the most important, this refers to how we manoeuvre our safety skills and strategy, this is how we do it. Our Tactics include everything from good defensive driving skills developed in our truck drivers in order to avoid injury and incidents to the practical steps taken to encourage 100% vaccination against COVID-19 amongst staff. To be safe, Grasshopper Environmental go above and beyond to protect its employees, customers and the wider community.
This National Safe Work Month, Grasshopper Environmental encourages all businesses to raise awareness of work health and safety in their workplaces. Our people are our greatest asset.
For more information about National Safe Work Month, visit: